Monday, March 23, 2009

When Will the Green Jobs Come?

The term "green jobs" is thrown around a lot. Especially by Obama and friends, but equally so on green blogs and news sites. Many tree huggers love to spout the term "green job" as if it will somehow create magic pixie dust that will not only save our planet, but save our economy too.

I have two things to say about "green jobs" as they relate to government.

#1: There are only two kinds of green jobs: the ones that make green money like banking, Wall Street, and corporate welfare scams; and the ones that make green money by bilking taxpayers, getting lobbyists to hand over suitcases of it, and by getting your family cushy jobs at the aforementioned corporations (aka "politics"). Those are the ONLY two kinds of "green jobs" that government creates.

#2: The other thing I have to say about green jobs is that they aren't really defined. The term generically refers to careers that are not with big oil or the usual stodgy corporations. It attempts to refer to alternative energy, transportation, and so forth. Five years ago if you'd have said "green job," people would have assumed you meant in a florists' or gardening shop.

In reality, there are no "green jobs" really. There might be one or two here and there doing generally useless stuff like being a corporation's "Environmental Liaison," or something. For the most part, though, these jobs are a myth.

The reality is that this term is just a fancy way of making a regular job look better. Sort of like Wal-Mart calling their clerks "Associates" and "Manager of Children's Bicycles on Aisle 14" or whatever.

Sorry to break it to you, folks. But those "green jobs" Obama is promising? He's not talking to you. He's talking to his cronies who're going to walk away with bankrolls thanks to the bailouts and corporate takeover schemes they're hatching. For those who doubt me, look at Obama's "cabinet" and "advisors." They're all Wall Street types. Case rested.

Now back to the glorious idea that many greenies have regarding the government somehow magically "creating" all of these "green jobs" so that we're all happy. Well, first off this is pretty socialistic thinking. Second, government isn't capable of creating anything.

The government can only take from one person and give to another. So, sorry people, but if you want the government to supply you with a job, they have to take that job from someone else (like me, so F U) first.

So put down your stupid GREEN JOBS protest sign and go find a real job. And a haircut, you damn hippie. :)

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