Tuesday, March 24, 2009

EPA Wants to Tax Carbon

A report in the Wall Street Journal says that the Environmental Protection Agency has sent a preliminary proposal to the White House about carbon dioxide's dangers to public health.

You know, CO2, that stuff you breathe out every time you exhale? Ya, that's bad for you. Obviously, you breathe it out for a reason. Right?

Anyway, this is a "preliminary" report finding and doesn't have any "weight" (they say), but it looks a lot like an early pressure tactic to get Congress to consider a "greenhouse" tax. One that would basically make it impossible for anyone to operate outside of Stone Age technology.

If Obama's plan for a "cap and trade" system on carbon emissions were to be put in place, two things will happen: JOBS WILL BE LOST and TAXES WILL GO UP. Neither of those is "good for the economy." Since this blog is about environmental issues, I won't get into the rest about how trillions in deficits only screw us more.

According to Daniel Murphy of Investor's Business Daily, the EPA regularly puts politics above science in its proposals. This report came after several EPA whistle blowers went before Congress to testify that their agency's use of political science over hard science in decision-making is harming the environment and wasting tax dollars.

Scientists feel that the debate over global warming and man's supposed cause of it is still very much in the air. Carbon dioxide is a known greenhouse gas in a closed environment, but nothing proves it has any affect on a planetary scale.

Of course, this means nothing when the EPA can see that by moving on the current political trend against CO2 emissions they can greatly increase their own power base. After all, who would "regulate" emissions? You guessed it, EPA bureaucrats.

So what's really behind all this? Hmm..I wonder...

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