Monday, March 2, 2009

NASA's OCO satellite crash a setback for studying CO2

How convenient for the Gorebots. NASA's satellite that was to study "greenhouse gasses," specifically CO2 (carbon dioxide), crashed before it ever deployed. It will likely take years for it to be replaced.

Bummer for the CO2 junkies. I doubt this will make a difference in their plans to tax us all into oblivion for our 0.1117% role in "adding" to the atmosphere's CO2 totals. Yep, there's a big, fat, giant zero in front of that percentage number. That's not a typo.

That tiny little number has greenies all up in arms, with Al Gore leading the charge with his misbegotten Nobel Prize.

Well, enough Gore bashing, let's get back to this story. No, wait, Gore bashing is fun. BECAUSE AL GORE SUCKS! HE'S A LYING P.O.S.!

Alright, really, that's all the Gore bashing for today.

Anyway, turns out this environmental satellite to study CO2 emissions fell back to earth, crash landing into the ocean, further polluting our natural resource with its non-biodegradable petroleum parts and metal bits. Nice job, NASA. Can't even recycle a failed satellite.

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