Friday, May 15, 2009

Solar-Charging Park Bench W/ Free WiFi

You know those park and bus benches that just sit there doing nothing? What if they were both solar power collectors and WiFi hotspots? Wouldn't that rock?

OK, probably not the coolest thing to do, but definitely better than nothing. In fact, I might upgrade my "make me into a bench at the cemetery" plans (my ashes mixed with concrete to make a bench for people to sit on--engraved with something like "Finally, he's useful for something") to one of these instead.

Anyway, these aren't the worst idea to come along so far. Heck, a few of these around town and connected to the grid could, at the very least, cut the city's bill a little. I'd kind of question how much power is generated when someone sits on the bench and blocks the sunlight, though.

The idea comes from Owen Song at coroflot. Go here for more photos.

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