Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Own a Crappy Smart Car? Soup It Up!

People who own the glorified golf carts usually called “neighborhood vehicles” that may or may not have the appearance of a car, are used to the idea that their vehicles are, well, not cars. They’re tiny little boxes that move them from one spot to another simply and (theoretically) cheaply. At slow speeds and on surface roads only. Usually while wearing a scarf or a low-brimmed hat to hide your identity. Maybe some sunglasses too.

Well, one of the more popular of these cars is the Smart Car by Smart Madness, which has been selling fairly well in Europe. Well, those cars are coming to the USA. They’re slightly modified, of course, to meet our safety standards and whatever. Nope, sorry, these aren’t electrics, but are instead extremely efficient gasoline-powered vehicles.

Read the rest:

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