Saturday, February 28, 2009

Bad News For the Environment: EPA Likely to Begin Regulating Emissions

Well, with Obama comes Change. With Change comes...yep, you guessed it, more of the same: big government meddling in affairs the government has no business meddling in.

Apparently the Environmental Protection Agency, which has done nothing but @#$@#$ things up since its inception, is going to "regulate" carbon and other emissions. Yay. Every time you breathe out, you'll be taxed, I guess.

For the Gorebots who want to whine and moan about how carbon dioxide is "ruining" our environment and "causing" global warming (uhh...human emissions of CO2 account for only 0.117% of the total...hardly "significant"), I ask: how is putting the EPA in charge of forcing people to "comply" with some kind of CO2 regulation going to "fix" any problems?

I'll answer you: it won't. Remember how Obama promised "Green Collar" jobs? Well, when you over-regulate business, tear up the economy, and create new taxes (government fees are taxes too), you REDUCE the number of jobs. Every time you raise minimum wage? Yep, jobs are lost. Look it up if you want. The numbers aren't hard to find.

I'm getting a little off point, though. The point of THIS post was specifically to say that the EPA is probably going to regulate emissions in the future. I have an idea: government, police thyself. Since the United States government is America's #1 polluter, maybe they should clean house FIRST before they start pointing guns at the rest of us to do it?

Here's the original copy of the original NY Times story. I'm not going directly to the NYT as they require a login to read stories there.

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